The Soil Magazine is a leading independent fashion & Art magazine, founded by David Young and printed biannually in soft-back, perfect bound format. There is a definitive classic feel to The Soil whilst embracing all that is here and now. Essentially it is a contemporary photography magazine and the genre is fashion. We are very keen to champion design talent, but we are not limited by it.

Whilst not trying to take things too seriously, we use a fashion dialogue to explore youth and masculinity. To Soil, originality is a must and we are crazy about featuring true talent. At the core, we’re not a glossy, but neither are we an anti-glossy. It’s true to say were not very conventional and as such, we tend to lead, not follow. We favour honest and authentic photography as opposed to over-the-top retouched images. We like to keep it real.

Every issue is hand-crafted, working with a global community of creatives, photographers, stylists and models. As you can see from the covers and editorials, we work with some of the best, but we also have a keen eye for emerging talent and often feature a number of photographers and models before anybody else – casting plays a pivotal role in the production of the magazine.

The Soil is available by mail order and selected stores.


Editor-in-Chief: Ian Cole

New York Contributing Fashion Editor: Cristina Planelles

London Fashion Editor: Jules Wood
Spanish Contributing Fashion Editor: Marc Piña Sala
Contributing Editor: Paul Klein  paul@clientmagazine.co.uk

Art Direction/Design: Project Ten


For advertising, content marketing or sponsorship opportunities, please email:

General Enquiries: info@clientmagazine.co.uk

For Order/Distribution enquiries: 



Editor-in-Chief , David Young

Laura founded Mr. Wolf Magazine during her time at Lund University in Sweden. Partial to all things Swedish, Laura set about putting her journalism skills to good use. A fan of rooftops, airports and saunas, Laura attributes her interest in Scandinavia to solid childhood exposure to ABBA. When not publishing magazines Laura most loves to Fika. 


New York Contributing Fashion Editor, Annie Ferguson

Annie is a freelance writer and theatre-maker, with an undying love for all things Sigur Rós. A recent graduate from the University of Melbourne, Annie is now a leading contributor to Wolf, dedicated to bringing the most exciting Nordic news to your desktop.


Contributing photographer, Karim Helgstrand Nour

Karim is a freelance photographer who lives to see the world, and tries to capture it all on his Pentax. Based in Malmö, Karim is a man about town who has a knack for tracking down those that are unknown, but shouldn’t remain that way! As a contributor for Vol. 2 and continuing to spread the word of Wolf in Skåne, Karim has definitely joined the pack


Art Director, Eleanor Downie. 

After studying Communication Design at the Danish Design School in Copenhagen, Eleanor has been searching for as many ways as possible to stay connected to the part of the world she so loves. Enter Mr. Wolf. When not designing magazines or searching for a Danish husband – any Larsens or Andersens just give her a call – Eleanor enjoys long walks through the forest and indulging in fika as regularly as possible. 


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